The Evil in Us
While on a fourth of July holiday, six best friends fall victim to the insidious plan of a terrorist organization when they unknowingly take a bio-active drug that transforms them into bloodthirsty cannibals.
Released: 2016
Gary Starkell, Lee Tomaschefski, Ian Collins, Christine Mettcalfe, Dayleigh Nelson, Chris Allen, Lukas Gyori, Dayah Brar, Jerome Velinsky, David Aboussafy, Tatyana Forrest, Kylee Bush, Bradley Duffy, Dalj Brar, Darren Andrichuk, Debs Howard, Jason William Lee, Becky Hachey, Gabriel Carter, Tara Davies, Marko Buljan, Amanda Cryer, Dawn Williamson, Marina Pasqua, Matthew Mihaichuk, Patrick Gaites, Tirra Dent, Moishe Teichman, Jon Funk, John Gillich, Micky Mechalchuk, Danny Zaporozan, Darrell Berg, Behtash Fazlali, Gabriel Hamilton, Michael Gyori